joi, 25 februarie 2010

I never wanna become Stuck in your machine

             Nu prea am scris in ultima perioada pt ca nu prea am avut despre ce scrie ....a inceput scoala si cam intre cateva ore de bancuri bune ,luni , in care am ras copios  si o ora de messenger pe hartie la ora de economie,joi, prea s-a intamplat nimic...deci nothing much...sper sa se schimbe putin lucrurile ca sunt cam monotone si ma plictisesc prea repede de orice se dinamizeze totul ca sa nu simt cum pasesc grabita spre Working Class Hero Club

joi, 18 februarie 2010


History is just beginning
It's like leaves creating a canopy
And, woven in the tapestry, my testimony
A ceremony of souls, a symphony of
sounds of sounds and forms
A cacophony – I'll keep that energy

I'll keep that energy flowing
through the whole range of me
So you can focus on the rage in me
And my obituary?
Well, I'm re-writing it every second, every century
Well, I'm re-writing it

History is just beginning

luni, 15 februarie 2010

the wind of change

A new day ...a new me ...that's how i feel today...I'm trying to make some changes and I hope I succeed...yesterday I was very blue ...I rememberd stuff about my childhood and I kind of miss  those days when you are just a little kid and the world is rising around you ...anyway...exams are over and the week off that I've been looking forward to it's here I went back to my books and life it's kind of odd in this period because I remember stuff and I read much and it's like I'm traveling in time and all , a new day ,new memories ,new stories...a new me.

marți, 9 februarie 2010

much and nothing much

Nu am scris de ceva timp ...da nu prea am timp si nici despre ce scrie...sesiune ...examene and me turning 20 and just that...learning and stuff ...dar I'm haaappy ca mai am un singur examen si dupa aceea putina vacantza. In rest hmm nothing much I'm looking forward to that week off ...because my head will explode...soon. So today I'm chillin' de maine iar invatat si cam atat. Lately i've been having the habit of youtubing tooo much ... not vloging or something just watching and subscribing much youtube for me :D ....I got to get out of the house even if there are -10 degrees Celsius. Can't Get Enough of this song ...ray william johnson kicks ass